def supervisorStrategy(): SupervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 10, withinTimeRange = 10 seconds) { case _: ArithmeticException => Resume case _: IllegalArgumentException => Restart case _: NullPointerException => Stop case _: Exception => Escalate }
, Restart
object SupervisorStrategy extends SupervisorStrategyLowPriorityImplicits {
sealed trait Directive/** * Resumes message processing for the failed Actor */case object Resume extends Directive/** * Discards the old Actor instance and replaces it with a new, * then resumes message processing. */case object Restart extends Directive/** * Stops the Actor */case object Stop extends Directive/** * Escalates the failure to the supervisor of the supervisor, * by rethrowing the cause of the failure. */case object Escalate extends Directive // ....}
模式匹配pattern matching在scala里面是一个重量级的功能,依赖于模式匹配可以优雅地实现很多功能。大致格式如下:
selector match { pattern1 =>pattern2 => ...}
- Wildcard patterns // _ 统配
- Constant patterns // 常量
- Variable patterns // 变量
- Constructor patterns // 构造函数
- Sequence patterns // 比如List(,). 如果需要匹配剩余的话使用List(0,_*)
- Tuple patterns // (a,b,c)
- Typed patterns // 使用类型匹配 case a:Map[,]
- asInstanceOf[]
- isInstanceOf[]
- note(dirlt):这里需要注意容器类型擦除.Array例外因为这个是java内置类型
- Patterns in variable definitions // val (a,b) = ("123","345");
- Case sequences as partial functions
- 直接使用pattern来构造函数.以参数为match对象,在body里面直接编写case.
- Each case is an entry point to the function, and the parameters are specified with the pattern. The body of each entry point is the right-hand side of the case.
Patterns in for expressions // for ((country, city) <- capitals)
// case sequences as partial function. val foo : Option[String] => String = { case Some(e) => e case None => "???"}val a = Option[String]("hello")println(foo(a))val b = Noneprintln(foo(b))
pattern matching过程中还有下面几个问题需要注意:
- Patterns are tried in the order in which they are written.
- Variable binding // 有时候我们希望匹配的变量包含外层结构
- A(1,B(x)) => handle(B(x))
- A(1, p @ B(_)) => handle(p) # p绑定了B(x)这个匹配
- A(1, p @ B()) => handle(p) # B是可以包含unapply从type(p) => Boolean的类,做条件判断
- Pattern guards // 有时候我们希望对pattern做一些限制性条件
- A(1,e,e) 比如希望后面两个元素相等,但是这个在pm里面没有办法表达
- A(1,x,y) if x == y => // 通过guard来完成
scala为了方便扩展模式匹配对象的case, 提供case class
这个概念。case class和普通class大致相同,不过有以下三个区别,定义上只需要在class之前加上case即可:
- 提供factory method来方便构造object
- class parameter隐含val prefix
case class A(x:Int) {} // implicit val x:Int val a = A(1); // factory method.println(a.x); println(a); // toString = A(1)
case class最大就是可以很方便地用来做pattern matching.
abstract class A; // sealed abstract class Acase class B(a:Int) extends A;case class C(a:Int) extends A;case class D(a:Int) extends A;val a:A = B(1);a match { case e @ B(_) => println(e) case e @ C(_) => println(e)}
在match a这个过程中,实际上我们可能存在B,C,D三种子类,但是因为我们这里缺少检查。使用sealed关键字可以完成这个工作。sealed class必须和subclass在同一个文件内。A sealed class cannot have any new subclasses added except the ones in the same file. 如果上面增加sealed的话,那么编译会出现如下警告,说明我们没有枚举所有可能的情况。
/Users/dirlt/scala/Hello.scala:8: warning: match may not be exhaustive.It would fail on the following input: D(_)a match {^one warning found
有三个方式可以解决这个问题,一个是加上对D的处理,一个是使用unchecked annotation, 一个则是在最后用wildcard匹配
(a : @unchecked) match { case e @ B(_) => println(e) case e @ C(_) => println(e) } a match { case e @ B(_) => println(e) case e @ C(_) => println(e) case _ => throw new RuntimeException("??"); }
- 其修饰的trait,class只能在当前文件里面被继承
- 用sealed修饰这样做的目的是告诉scala编译器在检查模式匹配的时候,让scala知道这些case的所有情况,scala就能够在编译的时候进行检查,看你写的代码是否有没有漏掉什么没case到,减少编程的错误。